Saturday, May 30, 2009

tik tok tik tok

dang, its been awhile. FF4 has come and gone, er.. what else.. hmm.. many shoots done, oh, dear uncle raplh went back to the Lord, hmmm... *scratches head, just got tweety sort-of fixed after the accident the other day(and by the other day, i ment 4 months ago) nothing much has changed really. nothing huge anyway. suppose to start interning but so far the one promising recomendation i got turned sour, the best part was that they didn't even have to curtesy to tell you that you're not accepted. Pardon me for bitching, i'm taking time off to do so. okay, you see if it was an interview i got from some website or whatever then its sorta fine, to be rude. but this was through people you know, i ment, how are you a good PR if courtesy isn't your cup of coffee. so, i'm not good enough, well many undergrads are no better. Its about personality, then qualifications. You are not born a smartipants too you know, someone gave you a chance to learn, to fall and make your own mistakes. that was what brought you to where you are. You have to suck in your sloppy ego drooling all over your sides and stop thinking shit of peolple. its an intership for crying out loud, not hiring an executive or whatever.
its been bothering me. You will know who you are and 'you' are not the malaccan. Peaceout to my bud, i know you didn't mean to cos its up to the other 2. All the best farr.

okay okay enough of that. i just needed to rant alil.

on the lighter side of things, been into certain stuffs recently, savant autism, and Fast food- namely mcD's fries and now Kentucky Fried Cruelty! thats right, gosh how terrible these giant coperations are and how easily you and i can and have been funding their 'shenanigans'
i'll close up with this footage. please sign your support at

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